Object: M20
Type: Diffuse Nebula
Distance: 5200 light years
Date: 2-Aug-2003
Scope: Nexstar 11 GPS
Camera: ST-237a Hyperstar Mode
Details: F1.8 RGB:15x30secs Bin 1x1 unguided stacked
and combined in CCDSoft
Object: M83
Type: Spiral Galaxy
Distance: 9000 light years
Date: 30-May-2003
Scope: Nexstar 11 GPS
Camera: ST-237a Hyperstar Mode
Details: F1.8 Lum:9x30secs Bin 1x1 unguided stacked
and combined in CCDSoft
Object: NGC3324 (Key hole nebula in Carina)
Type: diffuse Nebula
Distance: 9000 light years
Date: 23-Jun-2003
Scope: Nexstar 11 GPS
Camera: ST-237a Hyperstar Mode
Details: F1.8 Lum:10x45 secs RGB, R as Lum, Bin 1x1
unguided stacked and combined in CCDSoft
Object: NGC2070 (Tarantula Nebula)
Type: Bright Nebular
Distance: 160000 light years
Date: 29-Oct-2002
Scope: Nexstar 11 GPS
Camera: ST-237a
Details: F3.75 Lum:15x30secs Bin 2x2 RGB:10x30secs
Bin 2x2 unguided stacked and combined in CCDSoft
Object: IC434 (Horse Head Nebula)
Type: Bright Nebular
Distance: 1500 light years
Date: 9-Mar-2003
Scope: Nexstar 11 GPS
Camera: ST-237a Hyperstar mode
Details: F1.8 Lum:9x60secs Bin 1x1 unguided stacked
and combined in CCDSoft
Object: NGC7293 (Helix Nebula)
Type: Planetary Nebular
Distance: 500 light years
Date: 29-Oct-2002
Scope: Nexstar 11 GPS
Camera: ST-237a
Details: F3.75 Lum:15x30secs Bin 2x2 RGB:10x30secs
Bin 2x2 unguided stacked and combined in CCDSoft
Object: NGC253 (Sculptor Galaxy)
Type: Spiral Galaxy
Distance: 10.4 million light years
Date: 29-Oct-2002
Scope: Nexstar 11 GPS
Camera: ST-237a
Details: F3.75 Lum:15x30secs Bin 2x2 RGB:10x30secs
Bin 2x2 unguided stacked and combined in CCDSoft
Object: NGC7331 (Deer Lick Group)
Type: Spiral Galaxy
Distance: 48 million light years
Date: 29-Oct-2002
Scope: Nexstar 11 GPS
Camera: ST-237a
Details: F3.75 Lum:15x30secs Bin 2x2 RGB:10x30secs
Bin 2x2 unguided stacked and combined in CCDSoft
Object: M14
Type: Globuler Cluster
Distance: 27000 light years
Date: 9-Sept-2002
Scope: Nexstar 11 GPS
Camera: ST-237a
Details: F3.75 Bin x1 Lum:30 secs Bin 2x2 RGB:30 x 50
exposures unguided stacked and combined in CCDSoft
Object: M16
Type: Cluster with Nebula
Distance: 7000 light years
Date: 16-Aug-2002
Scope: Nexstar 11 GPS
Camera: ST-237a
Details: F3.75 Bin 2x2 Lum:30 secs RGB:30 x 50
exposures unguided stacked and combined in CCDSoft
Type: Cluster with Nebula
Distance: 5000 light years
Date: 16-Aug-2002
Scope: Nexstar 11 GPS
Camera: ST-237a
Details: F3.75 Bin 2x2 Lum:30 secs RGB:30 x 50
exposures unguided stacked and combined in CCDSoft
Object: M27
Type: Planetary Nebula
Distance: 1250 light years
Date: 16-Aug-2002
Scope: Nexstar 11 GPS
Camera: ST-237a
Details: F3.75 Bin 2x2 Lum:30 secs RGB:30 x 50
exposures unguided stacked and combined in CCDSoft
Object: M104
Type: Galaxy
Distance: 50000000 light years
Date: 01-Jul-2002
Scope: Nexstar 11 GPS
Camera: ST-237a
Details: F6.3 Bin 2x2 Lum:45 secs RGB:30 x 3
exposures unguided stacked and combined in CCDSoft
Object: M42
Type: Diffuse Nebula
Distance: 1600 light years
Date: 13-Mar-2002
Scope: Nexstar 11 GPS
Camera: Cannon T70
Details: F6.5 10min on Elite Chrome ASA 400 Guided
Object: M57
Type: Planetary Nebula
Distance: 4100 light years
Date: 2-Jul-2002
Scope: Nexstar 11 GPS
Camera: ST-237a
Details: F6.3 Bin 2x2 Lum:30 secs RGB:30 x 3
exposures unguided stacked and combined in CCDSoft
Object: Core Of Eta Carina Nebula
Type: Diffuse Nebula
Distance: 9000 light years
Date: 9-Jun-2002
Scope: 18" F4 reflector
Camera: ST-237a
Details: F4 Bin 2x2 Lum:60secs x 6 exposures unguided
stacked and combined in CCDSoft
Object: Jupiter
Type: Planet
Distance: 777908927 km
Date: 24-Mar-2002
Scope: Nexstar 11 GPS
Camera: Sony DSC-S30 Digital Camera
Details: F20 0.15 secs x 20 exposures unguided
stacked and combined in Astrostack
Object: Saturn
Type: Planet
Distance: 1427163686 km
Date: 18-Nov-2001
Scope: Nexstar 11 GPS
Camera: Sony DSC-S30 Digital Camera
Details: F20 0.15 secs x 20 exposures unguided
stacked and combined in Astrostack
Object: Moon
Type: Moon
Distance: 384400 km
Date: 26-Jun-2002
Scope: Nexstar 11 GPS
Camera: Sony DSC-S30 Digital Camera
Details: F20 0.15 secs x 5 exposures unguided stacked
and combined in Astrostack